West Nepal is one of the least developed places in the world and desperately needs support. It’s home to the country’s most vulnerable people, more than half of them living in poverty. Almost two thirds of children under five are malnourished.
Empowering children through education is the best chance the people have to develop their lives, but until lifestyle, communication and transportation are improved, it won’t be possible to educate children in the villages.
We have a goal to improve communications in the villages so that children can video chat with their parents during their years at school.
In the long term, we would like to help village conditions improve to the point that teachers will want to live there and therefore educating children in the villages will be possible.
West Nepal is one of the least developed places in the world and desperately needs support. It’s home to the country’s most vulnerable people, more than half of them living in poverty. Almost two thirds of children under five are malnourished.
Empowering children through education is the best chance the people have to develop their lives, but until lifestyle, communication and transportation are improved, it won’t be possible to educate children in the villages.
We have a goal to improve communications in the villages so that children can video chat with their parents during their years at school.
In the long term, we would like to help village conditions improve to the point that teachers will want to live there and therefore educating children in the villages will be possible.
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